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Join Our Supper Club!

What is “Supper Club”?

It’s an opportunity for EIGHT people to get together to share a meal… once a month for four months, taking turns as host/hostess.  

Who can join?

Anyone out of high school. You may be a couple or single.

What do I bring?

The host unit will bring the main dish and “home”. It doesn't matter who's home; it can be at your home, the church, or another home in your group, etc. The other three units will bring one of the following: vegetable/side dish, rolls/bread and salad, or dessert. Over the four months, each unit takes turns hosting and rotating “what to bring”. Cooking can be simple – use paper plates, if you wish… but the most important ingredient is FELLOWSHIP! At the end of four months, there will be another opportunity for others to sign up and new “groupings” will be created.  

When do we start?

Sign up in the Foyer throughout the month of March. Supper Club groups will start in May and continue through August.

If you have any questions, please talk to Jenny Rowley.